Jeez girl. Us writers us... so many layers of reflection... distilling lifes essences :)

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Sounds like us indeed. Who needs a quiet brain?!

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Amy Mrotek

Beautiful as usual. I think I heard more discontent here than I can remember in anything you've written.

You might be underestimating your niece; I think you are, and she sees much more in you than it would be easy to believe. Most well-cared for children only look with adoration on people who have earned it.

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She really is a special lil human <3 She also constantly reminds me why I actually quite like hanging around little little ones. They're just bundles of untainted curiosity + joy.

And what can I say...vacations always somehow make me feel weird 😅

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And now can I ask about the scoff you held in your throat? Part of me felt like that was the untold story of the whole post, but maybe just my imagination and child orientation.

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No that’s very fair — the child orientation is actually part of it.

I’m a thirty year old woman, and it’s really not an exaggeration how often strangers (much less family and to some degree friends) make assumptive comments about having children. It’s a topic for a whole nuther time lol.

The cashier automatically jumping to “oh, you’ll have a daughter too!” after I simply clarified about my niece really is a prime example. Ik there’s no malice or judgement when most people say these things. They’re being friendly. But it assumes a lot and just doesn’t always land how people may think.

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When they see me with a child they always call the cops and try to restrain me till they get there.

I think maybe you should see it as more than just an assumption. They ARE judging you; they see your affection for the girl, and they know from that you’d be a good parent. Probably not a fair conclusion that most people who would be a good parent WANT to be a parent, but perhaps understandable.

I do draw a sharp line between those who see you with a beloved child and those who see you as an adult woman and just assume. And in both cases I could see how it might get oppressive.

Glad you’re back on the job and done with that extremely annoying vacationing. : ) And risky. Were you on the lake? or did you make it to the ocean somewhere? Guessing lake.

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we have an 'almost capsized' story in our family and we legit could have all died but it remains one of my fondest childhood memories.

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